Is it go­ing to rain?

Pri­vacy Policy

What is this Pri­vacy Policy for?

This pri­vacy policy is for is­it­go­ing­t­o­ and gov­erns the pri­vacy of its users who choose to use it.

The policy sets out the dif­fer­ent areas where user pri­vacy is con­cerned and out­lines the ob­lig­a­tions & re­quire­ments of the users, the web­site and web­site own­ers. This web­site com­plies to all UK na­tional laws and re­quire­ments for user pri­vacy.

What data we gather

This web­site and its own­ers take a pro­act­ive ap­proach to user pri­vacy, and ob­tain lim­ited in­form­a­tion.

This web­site uses track­ing soft­ware to mon­itor its vis­it­ors to bet­ter un­der­stand how they use it. This soft­ware is provided by Google Ana­lyt­ics which uses cook­ies to track vis­itor us­age. The soft­ware will save a cookie to your com­puter in or­der to track and mon­itor your en­gage­ment and us­age of the web­site, but will not store, save or col­lect per­sonal in­form­a­tion. You can read Google’s pri­vacy policy here for fur­ther in­form­a­tion.

This web­site of­fers func­tion­al­ity to auto-de­tect your loc­a­tion in or­der to serve rel­ev­ant in­form­a­tion. All re­quests for data spe­cific to your loc­a­tion are made us­ing SSL en­cryp­ted con­nec­tions and no log­ging is car­ried out by this web­site which would tie these loc­a­tion re­quests to your per­sonal in­form­a­tion or IP ad­dress. Your own web browser may log a his­tory of your re­quests which can be man­aged us­ing your browser’s con­fig­ur­a­tion.

This web­site dis­plays ad­vert­ise­ments to sup­port the run­ning of the site. Third party vendors, in­clud­ing Google, use cook­ies to serve ads based on your pre­vi­ous vis­its to this web­site or other web­sites.

Use of Cook­ies

Cook­ies are small files saved to the user’s com­puter that track, save and store in­form­a­tion about the user’s in­ter­ac­tions and us­age of the web­site. This al­lows the web­site to provide the users with a tailored ex­per­i­ence within this web­site.

Cook­ies may be stored to your com­puter by ex­ternal vendors when this web­site uses ana­lyt­ics, re­fer­ral pro­grams, sponsored links or other ad­verising. Such cook­ies are used for con­ver­sion and re­fer­ral track­ing and typ­ic­ally ex­pire after 30 days, though some may take longer.

You can use your web browser’s cookie set­tings to de­term­ine how our web­site uses cook­ies. If you do not want our web­site to store cook­ies on your com­puter or device, you should set your web browser to re­fuse cook­ies. This will not im­pede your use of the web­site.

Ex­ternal Links, Ad­verts and Sponsored Links

Our web­site may con­tain links to other web­sites. Please note that we have no con­trol of web­sites out­side the is­it­go­ing­t­o­ do­main. If you provide in­form­a­tion to a web­site to which we link, we are not re­spons­ible for its pro­tec­tion and pri­vacy.

This web­site may con­tain sponsored links and ad­verts. These will be served through Google, who uses cook­ies to serve ads based on your pre­vi­ous vis­its to this web­site or other web­sites. You can read Google’s pri­vacy policy here for fur­ther in­form­a­tion.

So­cial Me­dia Plat­forms

Com­mu­nic­a­tion, en­gage­ment and ac­tions taken through ex­ternal so­cial me­dia plat­forms that this web­site and its own­ers par­ti­cip­ate on are cus­tom to the terms and con­di­tions as well as the pri­vacy policies held with each so­cial me­dia plat­form re­spect­ively.

Users are ad­vised to use so­cial me­dia plat­forms wisely and com­mu­nic­ate / en­gage upon them with due care and cau­tion in re­gard to their own pri­vacy and per­sonal de­tails. This web­site will never ask for per­sonal or sens­it­ive in­form­a­tion through so­cial me­dia plat­forms.

This web­site may use so­cial shar­ing but­tons which help share web con­tent dir­ectly from web pages to the so­cial me­dia plat­form in ques­tion. Users are ad­vised be­fore us­ing such so­cial shar­ing but­tons that they do so at their own dis­cre­tion. The so­cial me­dia plat­form may track and save your re­quest to share a web page through your so­cial me­dia ac­count.